Installing on Windows 95/98

Q: How do I install the SIM Business Package on a Windows 95/98 machine?

A: Installing on Windows 95 or 98 is exactly the same, and easier than on Windows 3.x.

1) Copy all the files over to the c: drive for \bat, \dbl, and \buspkg (with sub directories). If you used a CD-R to transfer the files, remember to turn off Read-Only on all the files in jcfile and glfile on the target machine after copying.

2) Add the following line to CONFIG.SYS:


3) Add


to the end of any existing PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT. If there is no path statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT, add the following line:

 path c:\windows\command;c:\windows;c:\dbl

and reboot.

4) Create a shortcut icon on the desktop to run c:\bat\menu.bat. Right-click the icon and click on properties. Click on Program, and check Close on exit. Change the icon to something interesting if you like. Click on Memory, and change Initial environment to 1024. Click OK.

5) You should now be able to run the software by double-clicking the desktop icon. You can toggle between full-screen and windowed mode with Alt-Enter.

6) If the printer is different or on a different port (unlikely) remember to set it up in the Output Devices section.

Q: When I click on the icon to start the Business Package, I get a long string of garbled text at the top of the screen instead of being layed out normally.

A: The ansi.sys driver isnīt loaded. Check your CONFIG.SYS file. There should be a line that says:


Perhaps the ansi.sys file is not in the \windows\command directory. If not, put a copy of it there.

Q: Iīve transferred all the files in BAT, DBL and BUSPKG, including subdirectories. I also did the ansi.sys command line in config.sys.  Running menu.bat gives me this:


 C:\BAT>echo off

 Bad command or file name

I'm running the standard menu.bat which works on other machines.

A: The bat file is not finding the path to the \dbl directory. You need to add c:\dbl to the path in autoexec.bat and reboot.

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