Installation instructions
There are four common scenarios for installation of this version:
Installation steps for each scenario are found in the following sections.
Performing a new installation
Note: in the following, replace drive X: with the drive letter that your Buspkg software is installed on. For stand-alone computers this is normally C:. On an
network you need to choose a drive letter to map for your installation.
1. If you are on a network, you need to decide which server or workstation will hold the Business Package. Share the drive or directory which will be used. Choose a
drive letter and map a network drive on each workstation to the share on the server.
3. Install the new DBL software as follows: A. Copy the DBL441.ZIP file to the X:\DBL directory. B. Extract the files from DBL411.ZIP using WinZip or Pkunzip.
4. Install the new source code as follows: A. Copy the BUSPKG530D.ZIP file to your X:\ root directory. B. Extract the files from BUSPKG530D.ZIP using Win ZIP or Pkunzip.
C. Move the contents of the \BUSPKG\BAT directory to your X:\BAT directory. D. Copy the \BUSPKG\InBusP.xls and \BUSPKG\InBusPDataEntry.doc files to your X:\SS directory.
This makes a new directory for the batch spreadsheets in X:\SS. The Excel spreadsheet for preparing transaction batches is named InBusP.xls. The instructions are in a Word document named InBusPDatyEntry.doc.
5. Add the X:\BAT and X:\DBL directories to your DOS Path. A. Go to a DOS prompt B. C: <Enter> C. EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT D. A typical DOS Path would look like this:
Remember to substitute X: with the drive letter where your Buspkg is located.
E. Exit and save the file. F. Reboot
6. Edit the USER.DSC file to select installation parameters. A. Go to a DOS prompt. B. X: <Enter> C. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE <Enter> D. EDIT USER.DSC <Enter>
E. Select the parameters for your site, as explained in the text of the file. F. When you are satisfied with the settings, save the file and exit the editor. If you
discover later that you have made any wrong settings, this procedure and the following can be repeated.
7. Compile the programs. A. MAKESIM<Enter> B. The programs will be compiled.
8. If your Business package is not installed on your C: drive, you must create a bat file for starting the Business package. A. CD \BAT B. EDIT MENUC.BAT
C. Change all occurrences of C: to whatever drive letter your Business Package files are installed on. D. File...Save As... the file to MENUx.BAT where x is the drive letter you are using. Exit the editor.
9. Copy the "Shortcut to Menuc.bat" file from X:\BAT to your desktop. If desired you can rename it to whatever you like. This will be used to start the Business
Package. If your Business Package is not installed on drive C:, you must change the target in the properties of the shortcut to the drive letter and MENUx.BAT file name corresponding to the bat file you just created.
10. The installation is complete. Test to see that everything is working.
11. Now make a new complete backup of your hard disk.
Upgrading both the Buspkg and the DBL language
Note: in the following, replace drive X: with the drive letter that your Buspkg software is installed on. For stand-alone computers this is normally C:. On an
network you need to find out what drive letter has been mapped.
1. There are several steps before installing the new software. At this point you should be still running the old version DBL.
2. Make a complete backup of your Business Package including the X:\Bat, X:\Dbl,
and X:\Buspkg directory trees. There also should be no pending batches to be posted to the G/L.
3. Unload the ISAM data files as follows: A. Go to the DOS prompt. B. Go into the Business package once, and exit again. C: X: <Enter> D. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter>
E. DBR DBLDIR:ISLOAD <Enter> F. Option: UNLOAD <Enter> G. ISAM file to unload: COMAST <Enter> H. Sequential file in which to unload: COMAST <Enter> I. Reporting interval: <Enter>
J. Repeat E thru I three more times, replacing COMAST with file names SECMAS, OUTMAS, CURFLE, respectively. K. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> L. Repeate E thru I for file names GLAMAS, YTDGLT.
4. Make a temporary safety backup of the files in X:\BUSPKG\JCFILE and X:\BUSPKG\GLFILE.
5. Delete the old ISAM files as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter> B. DEL *.IS* <Enter> C. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> D. DEL *.IS* <Enter>
6. Install the new DBL software as follows: A. Copy the DBL441.ZIP file to the X:\DBL directory. B. Extract the files from DBL411.ZIP using WinZip or Pkunzip, overwriting any files of the same names.
7. Install the new source code as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE B. REN USER.DSC USEROLD.DSC C. Copy the BUSPKG530D.ZIP file to your \TEMP directory. (If you don't have a
\TEMP directory you can create one by the MD \TEMP command. D. Extract the files from BUSPKG530D.ZIP using Win ZIP or Pkunzip, creating the BUSPKG directory tree in the temp directory.
E. Copy the contents of the \TEMP\BUSPKG\JCSRCE directory to your \BUSPKG\JCSRCE directory, overwriting files of the same name. F. Copy the contents of the \TEMP\BUSPKG\GLSRCE directory to your
\BUSPKG\GLSRCE directory, overwiring files of the same name. G. Copy the contents of the \TEMP\BUSPKG\BAT directory to your \BAT directory, overwriting files of the same name.
8. Edit the USER.DSC file to select installation parameters. A. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE <Enter> B. EDIT USER.DSC <Enter> C. Select the parameters for your site, as explained in the text of the file. You may
refer to the previous version of the file, which is now named USEROLD.DSC. D. When you are satisfied with the settings, save the file and exit the editor. If you
discover later that you have made any wrong settings, this procedure and the following can be repeated.
9. Compile the programs. A. MAKESIM<Enter> B. The programs will be compiled.
10. Reload the data files as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter> B. DBR DBLDIR:ISLOAD <Enter> C. Option: LOAD <Enter> D. ISAM file to load: COMAST <Enter>
E. Sequential file from which to load: COMAST <Enter> F. Reporting interval: <Enter> G. Continuation file: <Ctrl-Z> H. Repeat B thru G three more times, replacing COMAST with file names
SECMAS, OUTMAS, CURFLE, respectively. I. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> J. Repeate B thru G for file names GLAMAS, YTDGLT.
11. Install the spreadsheet and instructions as follows: A. CD \ B. MD \SS C. CD \SS D. COPY \TEMP\BUSPKG\INBUSP*.*
This makes a new directory for the spreadsheets in X:\SS. The Excel spreadsheet for preparing transaction batches is named InBusP.xls. The instructions are in a Word document named InBusPDatyEntry.doc.
12. Check whether the X:\BAT and X:\DBL directories are in your DOS Path. If not, add them now. A. Go to a DOS prompt B. C: <Enter> C. EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT
D. A typical DOS Path would look like this:
Remember to substitute X: with the drive letter where your Buspkg is located.
E. Exit and save the file. F. Reboot
13. The upgrade is complete. Test to see that everything is working.
14. Now make a new complete backup of your hard disk.
Upgrading the Buspkg only
Note: in the following, replace drive X: with the drive letter that your Buspkg software is installed on. For stand-alone computers this is normally C:. On an
network you need to find out what drive letter has been mapped.
1. Make a complete backup of your Business Package including the X:\Bat, X:\Dbl, and X:\Buspkg directory trees.
2. Install the new source code as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE B. REN USER.DSC USEROLD.DSC C. Copy the BUSPKG530D.ZIP file to your \TEMP directory. (If you don't have a
\TEMP directory you can create one by the MD \TEMP command. D. Extract the files from BUSPKG530D.ZIP using Win ZIP or Pkunzip, creating the BUSPKG directory tree in the temp directory.
E. Copy the contents of the \TEMP\BUSPKG\JCSRCE directory to your \BUSPKG\JCSRCE directory, overwriting files of the same name. F. Copy the contents of the \TEMP\BUSPKG\GLSRCE directory to your
\BUSPKG\GLSRCE directory, overwiring files of the same name.
3. Edit the USER.DSC file to select installation parameters. A. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE <Enter> B. EDIT USER.DSC <Enter> C. Select the parameters for your site, as explained in the text of the file. You may
refer to the previous version of the file, which is now named USEROLD.DSC. D. When you are satisfied with the settings, save the file and exit the editor. If you
discover later that you have made any wrong settings, this procedure and the following can be repeated.
4. Compile the programs. A. MAKESIM<Enter> B. The programs will be compiled.
5. Install the spreadsheet and instructions as follows: A. CD \ B. MD \SS C. CD \SS D. COPY \TEMP\BUSPKG\INBUSP*.*
This makes a new directory for the spreadsheets in X:\SS. The Excel spreadsheet for preparing transaction batches is named InBusP.xls. The instructions are in a Word document named InBusPDatyEntry.doc.
6. The upgrade is complete. Test to see that everything is working.
7. Now make a new complete backup of your hard disk.
Upgrading the DBL language only
Note: in the following, replace drive X: with the drive letter that your Buspkg software is installed on. For stand-alone computers this is normally C:. On an
network you need to find out what drive letter has been mapped.
1. There are several steps before installing the new software. At this point you should be still running the old version DBL.
2. Make a complete backup of your Business Package including the X:\Bat, X:\Dbl,
and X:\Buspkg directory trees. There also should be no pending batches to be posted to the G/L.
3. Unload the ISAM data files as follows: A. Go to the DOS prompt. B. Go into the Business package once, and exit again. C: X: <Enter> D. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter>
E. DBR DBLDIR:ISLOAD <Enter> F. Option: UNLOAD <Enter> G. ISAM file to unload: COMAST <Enter> H. Sequential file in which to unload: COMAST <Enter> I. Reporting interval: <Enter>
J. Repeat E thru I three more times, replacing COMAST with file names SECMAS, OUTMAS, CURFLE, respectively. K. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> L. Repeate E thru I for file names GLAMAS, YTDGLT.
4. Make a temporary safety backup of the files in X:\BUSPKG\JCFILE and X:\BUSPKG\GLFILE.
5. Delete the old ISAM files as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter> B. DEL *.IS* <Enter> C. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> D. DEL *.IS* <Enter>
6. Install the new DBL software as follows: A. Copy the DBL441.ZIP file to the X:\DBL directory. B. Extract the files from DBL411.ZIP using WinZip or Pkunzip, overwriting any files of the same names.
7. Compile the programs. A. CD \BUSPKG\JCSRCE <Enter> B. MAKESIM <Enter> C. The programs will be compiled.
8. Reload the data files as follows: A. CD \BUSPKG\JCFILE <Enter> B. DBR DBLDIR:ISLOAD <Enter> C. Option: LOAD <Enter> D. ISAM file to load: COMAST <Enter>
E. Sequential file from which to load: COMAST <Enter> F. Reporting interval: <Enter> G. Continuation file: <Ctrl-Z> H. Repeat B thru G three more times, replacing COMAST with file names
SECMAS, OUTMAS, CURFLE, respectively. I. CD \BUSPKG\GLFILE <Enter> J. Repeate B thru G for file names GLAMAS, YTDGLT.
9. The upgrade is complete. Test to see that everything is working.
10. Now make a new complete backup of your hard disk.