Installation instructions for PhotoLibrary. John Dudeck May 5, 2006, April 3, 2007, July 16, 2008, Oct 28, 2009 For system requirements see the README file. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS STEP BY STEP. Two sets of instructions follow: 1. RedHat Enterprise Linux 2. Ubuntu 8.04 Server INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REDHAT ENTERPRISE LINUX. We used CentOS 5.3, which is 100% RHEL but with alternate cost-free system update services and no technical support. CentOS can be downloaded from as ISO files and burned to a DVD. When installing, we chose automatic partitioning. The installation types that we selected: Desktop - KDE, not Gnome (your preference) Server Server - GUI After installation and reboot: No firewall SELinux disabled Set up monitor type. Network system settings. Enable NTP. We also added Midnight Commander file manager which can be handy: yum install mc Apply all outstanding CentOS updates. yum update Install additional needed packages. yum install php-mysql yum install ImageMagick Networking notes. Set up the server with a static IP address. Select photo library web site domain name. Set up a DNS A record for the name, pointing to the server. Set up port forwarding/NAT to enable access to server from outside on port 80, and 443 if SSL wanted. PhotoLibrary installation. We will assume that the photo library will be installed in the document root of /var/www. If you wish to change this default, you must make adjustments in the phsrv.conf file. Perform these steps while logged in as root. Copy the tarball file photos-app.x.x.x.gz to /var/www (where x.x.x is the version number). Note: A way to download the file directly to the folder is: cd /var/www wget Untar the file. This creates the directory structure for the application: cd /var/www tar -xzvf photos-app.x.x.x.gz Copy the configuration file: cp photos/web/app/phsrv-default.conf photos/web/app/phsrv.conf Set file ownerships & permissions: chown -R apache:apache /var/www/photos/web/tmp chown apache:apache /var/www/photos/Img chmod -R 775 /var/www/photos Start MySQL: From the KDE menu or Gnome Applications menu > System Settings > Server Settings > Services Check the mysqld box, click Start, click Save. Start Apache: From the KDE menu or Gnome Applications menu > System Settings > Server Settings > Services Check the httpd box, click Start, click Save. Php configuration: vi /etc/php.ini Change: post_max_size = 100M Ftp server configuration: vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf Change: anonymous_enable = NO Change: local_umask = 002 Start ftp service: From the KDE menu or Gnome Applications menu > System Settings > Server Settings > Services Check the vsftpd box, click Start, click Save. Create Linux user accounts for 'photos' and 'librarian'. These accounts are used for ftp uploads. You will need to choose passwords for these two accounts. The passwords should be fairly easy to type, because users will be prompted to type them: useradd photos passwd photos (enter desired photos password. For SIM:byprayer) usermod -g apache -d /var/www/photos/web/tmp/upload photos useradd librarian passwd librarian (enter desired librarian password. For SIM:1893) usermod -g apache -d /var/www/photos/web/tmp/librarian librarian (The passwords for these accounts will be used below). Apache configuration. Note: in the following replace with your domain name, and IP address with the IP address of the server. vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Insert the following text under: ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts NameVirtualHost ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/photos/web AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .conf Allow from All Options Indexes Save and exit To add https (ssl) access on port 443. (Note that CentOS 5 automatically configures httpd for ssl with a self-signed certificate. The following assumes that you have your own certificate and key files in the specified location. vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf ServerName DocumentRoot "/var/www/photos/web" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .conf ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_log TransferLog logs/ssl_access_log LogLevel warn SSLEngine on SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT:!SSLv2:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/ SSLOptions +StdEnvVars SSLOptions +StdEnvVars SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \ "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b" Save and exit After saving the above changes restart httpd: service httpd restart Set up MySQL database for PhotoLibrary. (as root) cd /var/www/photos/web/app/sql Set the MySQL root password (if not already set): mysqladmin -u root password 'king-fish' Log in to MySQL: mysql -u root -p password: king-fish create database photos; use photos; grant all on * to psuser@localhost identified by 'pix'; source photos.sql; source ScreenStrings.sql; source CountryAliases.sql; quit RedHat Tips. If you installed SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), you can turn off enforcement with the following commmand: setenforce 0 If mysqld does not appear on the services control panel (even though it may appear in Add/Remove programs), you can install it with the following command: yum install mysql-server INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UBUNTU SERVER. We used Ubuntu Server 8.04 which can be downloaded from as an ISO file and burned to CD. When installing, select LAMP server option only. When installation comes to setting up MySQL, we used a MySQL root password of 'king-fish'. To set up networking on a static address (example of sudo su vi /etc/network/interfaces change: iface eth0 inet dhcp to: iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway restart networking: /etc/init.d/networking restart Now you can go with a browser to and you get the "It works!" page. Select photo library web site domain name. Set up a DNS A record for the name, pointing to the server. Set up port forwarding/NAT to enable access to server from outside on port 80, and 443 if SSL wanted. We also added Midnight Commander file manager which can be handy: apt-get install mc Install Photo Library We will assume that the photo library will be installed in the document root of /var/www. If you wish to change this default, you must make adjustments in the phsrv.conf file. Perform these steps while logged in as root. sudo su Copy the tarball file photos-app.x.x.x.gz to /var/www (where x.x.x is the version number). Note: A way to download the file directly to the folder is: cd /var/www wget Untar the file. This creates the directory structure for the application: tar -xzvf photos-app.x.x.x.gz Copy the configuration file: cp photos/web/app/phsrv-default.conf photos/web/app/phsrv.conf Set file ownerships & permissions: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/photos chmod -R 775 /var/www/photos PHP configuration: vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini change: post_max_size=100M output_buffering = 4096 Install vsftpd: apt-get install vsftpd vi /etc/fsftpd.conf change: local_enable = YES write_enable = YES local_umask = 022 anonymous_enable = NO restart vsftpd: /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart Install zip: apt-get install zip Create Linux user accounts for 'photos' and 'librarian'. These accounts are used for ftp uploads. You will need to choose passwords for these two accounts. The passwords should be fairly easy to type, because users will be prompted to type them: useradd photos passwd photos (set the ordinary user password) usermod -g www-data -d /var/www/photos/web/tmp/upload photos useradd librarian (set the librarian password) passwd librarian usermod -g www-data -d /var/www/photos/web/tmp/librarian librarian Note: notice that the group is set to 'www-data' to match the group of Apache. (The passwords for these accounts will be used below). The setup for Apache: Note: in the following replace with your domain name, and IP address with the IP address of the server. vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/photoserver Insert the following text into this file: NameVirtualHost ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/photos/web AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .conf Allow from All Options Indexes Put a link in the sites-enabled directory, and remove what was there: ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/photoserver /etc/apache2/sites-enabled rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default restart Apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart The setup for MySQL: cd /var/www/photos/web/app/sql mysql -u root -p (password is king-fish) create database photos; use photos; grant all on * to psuser@localhost identified by 'pix'; source photos.sql; source ScreenStrings.sql; source CountryAliases.sql; quit Install Image Magick: apt-get install imagemagick CONFIGURING AND MAINTAINING PHOTOLIBRARY (ALL VERSIONS OF LINUX). The file phsrv.conf contains configuration settings for PhotoLibrary. Changes take immediate effect. Note that this file is PHP code and you must obey PHP syntax rules. Remember to put a semicolon at the end of each command. The values true and false do NOT take quotes around them, whereas other strings require quotes. Edit the PhotoLibrary configuration file /var/www/photos/web/app/phsrv.conf vi /var/www/photos/web/app/phsrv.conf Set the baseurl: $baseurl = ''; Set the passwords created above for 'photos' and 'librarian': $ordpassword = 'photospassword'; $libpassword = 'librarianpassword'; (where photospassword and librarianpassword are replaced by the passwords you used above to create the accounts). Set the address that you want to link back to when leaving PhotoLibrary: $linkback = ''; At this point you should be able to access the PhotoLibrary application from your browser at The first step is to create a user account and log in. You will notice that you have "Librarian" privelege. By default all users have librarian privelege which allows specifying one or more librarians in the User Management screen. Once a librarian role has been assigned, you should change the setting in phsrv.conf to: $forcelibrarianrole = false; ADVANCED CONFIGURATION OPTIONS. PhotoLibrary can be configured to use NT password hashes instead of MD5 hashes for local authentication. To use this feature the PHP extensions for 'mhash' and 'mcrypt' must be installed, as well as the Pear module called crypt_CHAP. See additional docmentation for further instructions on using this feature. PhotoLibrary can be configured to use Active Directory authentication against an AD domain controller. See phsrv.conf for configuration settings. The ability of a user to register a new account can be disabled in phsrv.conf. This might be useful if you want to issue accounts manually (the librarian can do this in User Management), or if you will externally update the User table from another application. "Branding" the application to fit your organization or company. The original application was created for SIM International, and there are numerous references to SIM in the application. All screen display strings are maintained in a table of the database, and may be customized for your organization. As of this writing (May 5, 2006), the only way to customize the strings is by use of an external database editor such as phpMyAdmin. In the future a feature will be added to PhotoLibrary to allow customization from with in the application. If you wish to customize the application, the table containing the strings is called ScreenStrings. You will see that each string appears in two languages: English and French, with the possibility of adding other languages.